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At Jubilee Park Primary School we are committed to ensuring all our children have the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and experiences as outlined in Curriculum for Wales 2022. The Four Purposes provide the overall ambition and dispositions for our children. The What Matters help us both determine what matters most for all children and provides a context for our themes. In addition, our Vision Principles are the key drivers in our approach to planning themes that will inspire, nurture and celebrate success for all our learners. Our curriculum is more than a series of lessons or a scheme of work, to us it is everything in our school - it is what we are about.
Since we opened in September 2017 we have been focused on developing our Thrive Curriculum. The collaborative efforts of all staff, children, parents and governors have been recognised by the Welsh Government. We are extremely proud of our journey and look forward to developing it further this year.
Please look at the links below to provide you with an understanding of our curriculum journey so far:
Developing our ‘Thrive Curriculum’ at Jubilee Park Primary School;
Jubilee Park Primary School - how we’re realising our new curriculum;
Inside View: The New Curriculum at Jubilee Park Primary School;
The principles of our Thrive Curriculum and organisation of the school day ensure that all
children receive a broad and balanced education.

Welsh Language
English is the main language of communication, teaching, learning and assessment at Jubilee Park Primary School. However, the school is committed to promoting the aims and aspirations of the Welsh Government in developing the Welsh Language.
In our school both English and Welsh are functional languages. We promote oracy, reading and writing in both English and Welsh in informal and structured situations. Welsh can be seen and heard around the school, during school assemblies and concerts, signage and display, lessons and indoor and outdoor activities.
As a school we aim to:
Foster positive attitudes in all learners towards the Welsh language
Provide opportunities for all children to hear and use Welsh in all areas of their learning
Motivate the children to use Welsh naturally, spontaneously and with confidence
Pupils at Jubilee Park Primary are taught skills and dispositions that will act as important
capacities to them as learners across the curriculum, in school and
beyond. These Learner Capacities are considered to be fundamental
as they enable and empower children to lead their own learning. Our
aim is to teach children ‘what to do when they don’t know what to
do.’ We explicitly teach learners strategies to get out of ‘I’m stuck’
situations. Being stuck is celebrated and harnessed as an opportunity
to build each individual’s learning capacity.
We teach children the ‘language of learning’ that accompanies these
learner capacities. We talk about learning, use specific language and make it visible so that
children can talk knowledgeably about their progress.

Learner Capacities

Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE)
Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) is the name the Welsh Government has given to Religious Education in the Curriculum for Wales. RVE is mandatory for all learners aged 3 to 16. This sits within the Humanities Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE), along with Geography, History, Business Studies and Social Studies. RVE is still locally determined and therefore, as well as having regard to the Curriculum for Wales Framework Guidance on Hwb, all schools in Newport must also have regard to the Newport Agreed Syllabus for RVE when designing their school curriculum. From September 2022, there will be no parental right to withdraw from RVE.
Physical Development (PD)
Physical Development is a statutory requirement and an essential component in establishing a basis for a healthy lifestyle. We aim to provide as many sporting experiences for our children as possible. All staff are committed to encouraging children to take an active part in the outdoor
play, games and PD activities provided. Games, swimming and PD form part of the Curriculum requirements for all children at Jubilee Park Primary School, except those permanently excused on health grounds. Such cases must be supported by a medical note from a doctor. All children
will have the opportunity to participate in residential outdoor pursuit activities during their time at the school. A list of suitable PD clothing is provided under uniform requirements.
At Jubilee Park Primary School we believe that homework is an opportunity for children to consolidate and refine learning that has been taught in school. We recognise that ‘home time’ is an important part of ‘family time’, and as such, homework tasks are not compulsory. Pupils will never be criticised for not completing it. We also believe that after other activities such as, attending local clubs, spending time with their family and friends is vital in becoming a healthy, confident individual. It can be difficult to get the right balance between homework, clubs and a social life. Children need time to relax and do nothing once in a while!
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)
As stated by the Welsh Government ‘RSE is a positive and protective part of the Curriculum for Wales. It plays a central role in supporting learners’ rights to enjoy fulfilling, healthy and safe relationships throughout their lives.’
We believe that a rights and equity based RSE curriculum supports all children’s freedom, dignity, wellbeing and safety. Our RSE curriculum provides the knowledge, skills and values for children to understand how relationships and sexuality shape their own and others’ lives.
We use the mandatory RSE Code to support the content of RSE across the school. The content is set within the context of broad and interlinked learning strands:
relationships and identity
sexual health and well-being
empowerment, safety and respect
Learning about rights and equity runs through all the strands, as well as embedding learning and experience through a rights-based approach to the learning.
These will be taught and explored through a variety of specific lessons and curriculum themes and will be developmentally appropriate for all children.
RSE is mandatory and all children will receive this as part of our Thrive Curriculum. There will be no right to withdraw from RSE from September 2022.
Supporting Learner Progression: Assessment
Assessment is key to supporting progression, for the purpose of identifying learners’ strengths, achievements and areas for improvement, and identifying next steps. It is integral to learning and teaching, and should not be confused with those activities that contribute to external
accountability and national monitoring. Assessment plays a fundamental role in enabling each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace, ensuring they are supported and challenged accordingly. Active engagement between the learner and practitioner on a regular
basis is at the heart of supporting learner progression. All those involved with a learner’s journey need to collaborate and work together by establishing:
❖ Where learners are in their learning
❖ Where they need to go in their learning
❖ What needs to be done for them to get there, taking account of any barriers to their learning.
All staff follow our Cycle of Assessment which identifies a range of assessment to be used throughout the school year. Detailed records are kept so that we can ensure consistency across the school and identify standards of learning and achievement. Parent Learning Reviews are held twice a year. These may be via the telephone or face to face. They provide an opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress with their class teacher.
We encourage children in year 5 and year 6 to attend with their parents to share in their learning review. In addition, a written annual learner review is provided each year to parents. Parents are encouraged to meet the teacher if there are any ongoing concerns between these times.