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Family Engagement
One of our vision principles is 'Growing together with the community' and we are committed to developing relationships based on mutual trust and support. We strive to be at the heart of the community and develop collaborative skills to enable effective contribution to our local community and the wider world.
Throughout the school year, there are many opportunities for families and the local community to get involved with our school:
Regular open door sessions where families are invited into classrooms to look at children's work
Termly parent information sessions offer information regarding aspects of our Thrive Curriculum
Parent workshops to provide advice and information to support learning at home
Parent Learner Reviews offer specific time to discuss children's progress and ways forward
Regular coffee mornings for families to socialise with fellow members of the community
Assemblies, concerts and our annual Party in the Park to showcase learning and celebrate success
Fundraising events organised and hosted by our PTA including car boot sales, fayres and raffles
We also welcome parents supporting our Thrive Curriculum by coming into school and talking about their work, sharing skills and expertise in their areas of interest (e.g. arts & crafts, cooking, woodwork, gardening etc.). If you have anything you can offer, please let us know.