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You are here: Our School > Health & Safety

Health & Safety

We aim to ensure that children are safe and secure at all times. The school adheres to the guidelines outlined by Newport City Council regarding Health and Safety in Education.


Any health and safety concerns are to be reported to the Headteacher. Where appropriate these issues will be brought to pupils’ attention via assemblies and class discussion. Personal and Social Education sessions also address any Health and Safety issues. The school works closely with other agencies, such as the police and the traffic safety team. Any issues are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. Regular fire drills are undertaken and the school is equipped with appropriate safety equipment. Risk assessments have been undertaken on potential hazards and educational visits.


Visitors MUST report to the school office where they will be asked to sign in and wear identification badges if working in and around the school. Parents should not enter the school via classroom doors but report to the school office. All staff have a DBS check, this includes contract workers.


The school car park is for the use of staff. In addition, blue badge holders are permitted to park in the disabled parking bays. It can be very busy during the start and end of the school day, please be considerate to our local community and other drivers when parking near to the school.


The school site is secure throughout the school day. It is monitored by CCTV cameras, 24 hours a day.


Please note that dogs are NOT ALLOWED on the school site. The school has a strict NO SMOKING policy on the whole site. Any person using inappropriate language within the school grounds will be requested to leave.


Pupils are NOT ALLOWED to use the play area or equipment left outside classrooms at the beginning and end of the school day.


Occasionally your child may need to take medicine. You are welcome to come to school and administer the correct dose but school staff cannot administer medicines or tablets. Please do not send your child to school with medicine or tablets as children are not permitted to administer their own medicine.


If your child is asthmatic, you will need to complete a form so that we can keep accurate records. Two inhalers must be provided in the chemist packaging with the prescription label clearly visible. One inhaler will be kept in the child’s classroom and one inhaler will be kept centrally in the school office or Hygiene Room. Children will be supervised during their use but staff will not administer inhalers. Children are encouraged to manage their asthma and may use their inhalers whenever there is a need.


Every effort is made to keep all our children and staff safe. If an accident does occur, we have members of staff who are qualified in First Aid. If your child needs treatment other than which we can provide at school, we will notify you immediately. It is therefore extremely important that emergency contact numbers are kept up to date.




Children are strongly advised not to bring valuables to school. As a school, we cannot take responsibility for any items that are lost, damaged or stolen. Mobile phones are not allowed in school. However, if a Year Five or Year Six parent feels that it is imperative that a Year Five or Year Six pupil brings a mobile phone to school as they walk home on their own, phones will be stored securely in classrooms during the school day.



Arrangements for the Disabled

The school building has facilities to accommodate disabled children and adults. It is fully compliant with all current regulations. We are committed to inclusion and full access to the curriculum and all aspects of school life for all children. Occasionally Health and Safety issues demand that some exceptions be made. In these instances each case is looked at very carefully on an individual basis and suitable differentiation is negotiated. A full risk assessment will be taken prior to admission.

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