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School Day
School Session Times

Classroom doors are open from 8:50am to 9:00am. All doors close PROMPTLY. If your child should, for any reason, be late arriving at school they should report to the school office to be recorded as late on the register.
The school day, for Reception to Year Two, finishes at 3.15pm. Children MUST be collected from school by an adult and should be collected from the classroom door. Please inform the class teacher if your normal arrangements are changed.
The school day ends at 3.20pm for Year Three to Year Six. Children in Years 3 & 4 MUST be brought to school and collected from school by an adult. Children in Years 5 & 6 may walk to and from school without an adult, if you so wish.
During school hours, children are not permitted to leave the school site. If your child needs to leave school during school hours, parents must report to the school office.
There is a proven link between attendance and attainment at school. The significance of school attendance must not and cannot be underestimated, particularly for those children and young people who show signs of disaffection or unhappiness. Promoting positive behaviour and excellent attendance is the responsibility of the whole school and wider community. All children should be at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for absence is unavoidable such as illness. Schools have a legal duty to publish attendance figures and to promote attendance. Equally, parents have a legal duty and responsibility to ensure that their children attend school on a regular basis.
If your child is absent, the school must be notified as quickly as possible. Messages can be sent via SchoolComms or left on the school absence line. In the case of infectious diseases, children should remain at home for the given time as advised by your GP or the school. Absence without an acceptable reason will be regarded as unauthorised. Medical appointments should be made out of school hours or during school breaks. If this is unavoidable, the appointment must be reported to the school prior to the appointment day.
In cases of persistent absence and poor punctuality the Headteacher is required to inform the Local Authority Education Welfare Service. In some cases, the Local Authority will impose a fine on parents for their child’s non-attendance at school.
Breakfast Club
Welsh Government provides a free Breakfast Club service for children in Reception to Year Six. If you wish your child to attend Breakfast Club, please speak to the office.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We offer a range of after school clubs. Some clubs are age specific and will be limited to maximum numbers for health and safety reasons.
Please note these activities must not be relied upon for childcare as they are run by staff and may be cancelled.