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School Uniform
Autumn & Spring Term
Nursery to Year Two:
Navy jumper or cardigan (available with school logo)
White polo shirt (available with school logo)
Navy skirt, pinafore or trousers
Navy or white tights or socks
Black footwear
Year Three to Year Six:
Navy jumper or cardigan (available with school logo)
White shirt
School tie
Navy skirt, pinafore or trousers
Navy or white tights or socks
Black footwear
Summer Term – optional to the above
White polo shirt (available with school logo)
Navy tailored shorts
Purple (Lilac) gingham dress
Navy or white socks
Black footwear
White shoes/sandals (not open toed)

PE Kit
Navy shorts
House colour t-shirts (available with school logo) *your child will be allocated a house:
Spitfire - red, Alcan - blue, Copper - yellow, Hurricane - green
Black plimsolls or trainers
Navy jumper and tracksuit bottoms (available with school logo) - outdoor PE sessions
All items with a school logo can be purchased from Macey Sports or Beam Sports
Our PTA also sell second hand uniform at
School uniform helps our pupils to feel part of a community. It identifies our pupils when representing the school in the community or on visits and has a recognised effect on pupil behaviour. In accordance with Welsh Government regulations, we have ensured that the majority of the uniform is available from local stores. Please ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on all items of clothing.
School Book Bags
School book bags with our logo, can be purchased from Macey Sports and Beam Sports.
Children may wear small ‘stud’ type earrings and a watch. This is the only jewellery allowed to be worn by all children within school. Children must remove all jewellery before they undertake Physical Development sessions. If ear piercing is still healing, studs may be left in place to avoid risk of infection, however, parents must provide tape to cover studs for PD sessions.